The bill proposes amendments to the General Laws concerning the merit system and the Department of Administration's responsibilities. It revises the duration of employment lists to a maximum of two years, removing the option for extension by the personnel administrator. The certification and appointment process is also modified, requiring all names on the employment list to be certified and allowing simultaneous contact of multiple eligibles for multiple vacancies. The bill removes the requirement for the personnel administrator to certify additional names for each additional vacancy. Additionally, the Department of Administration is tasked with various duties, including preparing and administering the state budget, improving administrative efficiency, and managing state-owned motor vehicles. The bill also mandates quarterly social worker tests, the maintenance of an adequate hiring list for social worker positions, and quarterly and annual reporting on property leases and rentals by state or quasi-state agencies.

The bill further outlines the powers and activities of the Department of Children, Youth, and Families, emphasizing comprehensive services for children, cooperation with law enforcement, and the implementation of a hiring process by October 1, 2023. It details the department's responsibilities for child welfare, including emergency treatment, protective services, licensing, and federal grant administration. The bill sets fee schedules for adoption services, defines "seriously emotionally disturbed child" and "functional developmental disability," and lowers the age limit for the latter from under 30 to under 18 years old. It also addresses funding for clients with severe, chronic disabilities and mandates transition planning for children in DCYF care. The bill extends the hiring process deadline for social caseworkers or child protective investigators and requires an interim report on the hiring process. The act will take effect upon passage, and there are no specific insertions or deletions from the current law mentioned in the provided text.

Statutes affected:
8096: 42-11-2, 42-72-5