The bill proposes amendments to the General Laws in Chapters 1-2 and 1-4, which govern airports, landing fields, and the Uniform Aeronautical Regulatory Act. It includes a change in title and responsibilities from "director" to "president and CEO" of the Rhode Island airport corporation, granting this individual supervision over state airports, authority to enforce chapter provisions, promulgate rules, and hire or fire assistants. The bill also details the process for acquiring land for airports, including public hearings and notices, and empowers the governor with emergency powers for runway enlargements. Additionally, it allows for leasing airport property to the U.S. government for up to 50 years and directs the minimization of reverse engine thrust at Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport. Terms such as "aeronautics," "aircraft," and "airport" are redefined, and the bill mandates immediate notification of aircraft accidents and outlines conditions for model aircraft and non-passenger-carrying flights.

The bill also addresses the registration and regulation of aircraft, replacing references to "chief aeronautics inspector," "director," and "deputy director" with "president and CEO." It sets forth annual aircraft registration fees based on weight, which are in lieu of personal property taxes on aircraft, and establishes a reimbursement schedule for surrendered certificates. Pilots must possess and present licenses and certificates when operating an aircraft. The "president and CEO" is tasked with fostering aeronautics, approving airports, and establishing aeronautical rules in conformity with federal laws. It prohibits operating civil aircraft without valid identification marks and outlines the authority of the president and CEO or police officers to take custody of abandoned aircraft, with provisions for public sale and exemption from liability. The bill also grants subpoena powers to the president and CEO for aviation investigations and hearings, protects them from testifying in civil suits, and amends the "Permanent Noise Monitoring Act Aircraft Operations Monitoring System" and the "Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights" to include airport corporation employees with arrest authority.

Statutes affected:
2740  SUB A: 1-5-1, 42-28.6-1
2740: 1-5-1, 42-28.6-1