The resolution acknowledges the gender disparities that exist in Rhode Island, particularly in terms of wage, wealth, health, and civic participation, with women, especially women of color, being disproportionately affected by the cost-of-living crisis. It recognizes the Women’s Fund of Rhode Island as an organization dedicated to investing in women and girls through research, advocacy, grant-making, and strategic partnerships aimed at achieving gender equity through systemic change. The Fund's efforts have led to improved salaries, job opportunities, and more gender-equitable workplaces for women.

To further support the Women’s Fund of Rhode Island in its mission to close gender gaps, the resolution proposes an appropriation of $150,000 from the state treasury for the fiscal year 2024-2025. These funds are intended to support programs and initiatives that address the gender wage, wealth, health, and leadership disparities, including but not limited to, conducting original research, providing civic engagement programming for youth, and offering workshops on self-advocacy, leadership skills, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) principles. The state controller is authorized to release the funds as needed upon receipt of properly authenticated vouchers.