The bill amends Chapter 45-23, "Subdivision of Land," in the General Laws, with changes effective from January 1, 2024. It updates definitions and ensures consistency with other Rhode Island land use acts, and specifies roles and definitions for various terms related to land development and subdivision. Significant insertions include the categories of developments for development plan review, the concept of a "Final plan," and definitions for "Minor land development project" and "Major land development project," with respective thresholds and review processes. The bill also introduces a new section, 45-23-38, outlining the review process for minor land development and subdivision proposals.

The bill proposes changes to the zoning ordinance application process, including the option for the administrative officer to combine approval stages and the introduction of a provision that the time period for application review does not begin until a decision on a requested modification is made. It clarifies the process for modifications to plans, distinguishing between minor and major changes, and addresses the expiration of approvals. Additionally, the bill includes a new section effective January 1, 2024, which allows municipalities to provide for development plan review as part of local regulations, ensuring consistency with the Rhode Island Zoning Enabling Act of 1991. It defines the roles of the planning board, technical review committee, or administrative officer in the review and approval process for development plans.