The bill proposes amendments to Chapter 40-8 of the General Laws, specifically by adding a new section titled "Katie Beckett program special conditions." This new section outlines provisions for children under nineteen years of age who are eligible for the Katie Beckett provision under the Social Security Act. It stipulates that these children must be reassessed for clinical eligibility annually unless a licensed physician determines that their clinical and/or functional limitations are unlikely to change, in which case the annual clinical evaluation can be waived. Additionally, Katie Beckett participants must meet all other eligibility requirements as per the Social Security Act.

Furthermore, the bill allows Katie Beckett participants, or their guardians, to request additional service hours up to a cap of a ten percent increase per week, provided the total cost does not exceed the estimated cost of institutional care. The office of health and human services is also authorized to apply for any necessary waivers or state plan amendments from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The bill is designed to codify the Katie Beckett program in accordance with federal guidelines, enabling children with long-term disabilities or complex medical needs to receive Medicaid coverage and be cared for at home rather than in an institution. The act would take effect immediately upon passage.