The bill amends the "The Education Equity and Property Tax Relief Act" by providing direct state funding for various educational programs and expenses, including special education, career and technical education, pre-kindergarten access, and support for students in Central Falls, Davies, and the Met Center. It removes the requirement for prorating funds if approved costs exceed appropriations for special education. The bill also provides funding for transportation to out-of-district non-public schools and within regional school districts, removing the proration language for these costs as well. It introduces a regionalization bonus for public school districts that regionalize, with a phased bonus percentage over two fiscal years and cessation in the third year. Additionally, the bill increases support for English learners, specifying an EL factor for funding determination, and mandates that categorical funds be used for high-quality services for these students.

The bill also addresses the funding and employment of school resource officers (SROs) in public middle and high schools. It defines SROs, requires specialized training, and offers state support to cover half the cost of salaries and benefits for SRO positions established after July 1, 2018. The support is contingent on the number of students in a school, with a requirement for one SRO in schools with fewer than 1,200 students and two for larger schools. Schools that hire more SROs than required or replace existing SROs with new ones under this provision will not receive reimbursement. The bill also deletes the requirement for prorating funds if the total approved costs exceed the appropriated amount and eliminates the funding of categorical programs according to the transition plan. The act will take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7910: 16-7.2-6