The bill introduces amendments to Chapter 31-3 of the General Laws by adding a new section 31-3-33.1, which allows for the renewal of registration for vehicles leased for 36 months and registered in two-year cycles to be extended by an additional year to match the lease term. This insertion ensures that the registration period aligns with the lease duration, and the registration fees will be adjusted to reflect this change. Furthermore, the bill modifies Section 31-6-1, updating the registration and miscellaneous fees based on the gross weight of the vehicle, with fees ranging from $30 for light automobiles to over $972 for heavy vehicles, plus additional charges based on weight increments.

The bill also sets specific fees for various services and vehicle types, such as $30 for number plate replacement without a number change, and $20 with a number change, among others. It waives the initial issuance fee for the 2022 approved fully reflective plates for vehicles with an existing registration. The bill provides for a refund of the unused portion of the registration fee if the registration is voluntarily canceled within the period, applicable to vehicles under a conditional sale or lease with a purchase option. It authorizes one-year renewal registrations for certain leased vehicles and is effective upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2692: 31-6-1