The "Fairness in Women's Sports Act" is a bill that seeks to ensure that athletic teams or sports sponsored by public schools or public institutions of higher education are designated based on biological sex, which is categorized as male, female, or coed/mixed. The bill is predicated on the recognition of biological and physiological differences between men and women, which are believed to affect athletic performance. It allows for the verification of a student's sex through a physician's statement that considers reproductive anatomy, testosterone levels, and genetic makeup, in cases where sex is disputed. The bill also protects educational institutions from adverse actions by government entities or organizations for enforcing these provisions.

The bill establishes a private cause of action for students who believe they have been harmed by a violation of the act, such as being deprived of an athletic opportunity or suffering retaliation for reporting a violation. It also extends this right to schools or institutions that have been adversely affected. Claimants can seek injunctive relief, damages, and other legal remedies, with civil actions needing to be initiated within two years of the harm. Successful claimants are entitled to monetary damages for psychological, emotional, and physical harm, as well as reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. The act is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025.