The bill proposes the establishment of a new chapter in Title 2 of the General Laws, specifically dedicated to Organic Farming and Certification Program. This chapter, to be known as "Organic Farming and Certification Program," mandates the Department of Environmental Management to create and implement an organic farming and certification program. The program's objectives include assisting in the marketing of Rhode Island-grown organic agricultural products, enhancing their economic competitiveness, providing financial and technical support to organic farmers, offering individual farm grants, working with the state department of health for certification and food safety standards, ensuring federal funding allocation, and performing other activities to support the state's organic agricultural sector.

The bill also includes financial provisions, appropriating an annual sum of $250,000 from the treasury for the administration of this chapter, and staffing requirements, directing the Department of Environmental Management to assign one full-time employee exclusively to the organic farming and certification program. The act is set to take effect immediately upon passage. There are no deletions from the current law indicated in the bill.