The resolution addresses the issue of Parental Alienation, which is characterized by a parent or trusted adult manipulating a child in a way that harms the child's relationship with another parent. This manipulation can include badmouthing, belittling, and limiting contact with the other parent, potentially leading to severe and long-lasting damage to the child, including increased anger, feelings of neglect, and the perpetuation of destructive patterns. Parental Alienation is primarily observed in cases of divorce or separation and has affected an estimated twenty-two million adults and four million children in the United States.

In response to the problem of Parental Alienation, the Senate of the State of Rhode Island has resolved to proclaim April 25, 2024, as "Parental Alienation Awareness Day." This day is intended to raise awareness about this form of mental and emotional child abuse and to encourage efforts to protect children from the harmful effects of such behavior. The resolution also directs the Secretary of State to send a certified copy of the resolution to Mr. Stephen Gouin, the Rhode Island Chapter President of Parental Alienation Awareness, signaling formal recognition and support for the cause.