The Rhode Island Legislature recognizes the importance of conservation districts, established in 1944, in directing programs to protect local renewable natural resources for the benefit of Rhode Island and its people. The Rhode Island State Conservation Committee, an agency within the RI Department of Environmental Management, oversees three conservation districts—Eastern, Northern, and Southern. These districts focus on farmland viability, farm conservation plans, water quality protection, environmental education, landowner/producer outreach, and provide technical assistance in areas such as wildfire outreach, prevention, and planning. Funding for these efforts, including matching grants, is crucial for the continuation of their work.

To support the ongoing conservation efforts, the resolution proposes an appropriation of $180,000 from the treasury for the fiscal year 2023-2024, to be distributed among the Rhode Island State Conservation Committee and the three conservation districts. The sum is to be allocated as follows: $30,000 to the Rhode Island State Conservation Committee, and $50,000 each to the Northern, Southern, and Eastern Rhode Island Conservation Districts. The state controller is authorized to draw orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of this sum, provided that properly authenticated vouchers are received. This resolution aims to restore the budget required for these essential services, which has not been provided since 2006.