The bill proposes an amendment to Chapter 11-18 of the General Laws, specifically adding a new section that criminalizes the filing of false liens, instruments, or encumbrances against the property of justices, judges, or magistrates of the unified judicial system. The new section, 11-18-1.4, outlines that anyone who knowingly or with intent to harass or defraud files or attempts to file such false claims will be guilty of a felony. The penalties for this offense include imprisonment for up to five years, a fine of up to $5,000, or both.

Additionally, upon conviction, the court is mandated to declare the false lien, instrument, or encumbrance null and void, order its removal from the official record and any electronic databases, and may prohibit the defendant from filing any future claims against the justice, judge, or magistrate. The court may also require the defendant to pay restitution to the affected party for any costs incurred due to the false filing. The bill would take effect immediately upon passage.