The bill proposes significant amendments to Rhode Island's DUI laws, particularly by extending the look-back period for prior DUI offenses from five to ten years. This change will affect how repeat DUI offenses are identified and penalized. The bill also introduces increased penalties for second and subsequent DUI offenses within this extended look-back period, including higher fines, longer license suspensions, and mandatory jail time. For third or subsequent offenses, the bill classifies the offense as a felony with even more severe penalties, including the possibility of vehicle seizure. Additionally, the bill mandates alcohol or drug treatment and the installation of an ignition interlock system for repeat offenders.

Furthermore, the bill outlines a system of graduated penalties for underage DUI offenders and provides for a clinical assessment at the Community College of Rhode Island for convicted individuals, with special consideration for servicemembers or veterans. It also establishes an alcohol and drug safety unit within the division of motor vehicles and mandates attendance at a special course or treatment program for those convicted. The bill includes new legal language regarding the refusal to submit to chemical tests and specifies the procedures and rights related to chemical testing for intoxicating substances. It also introduces a $200 assessment fee to support the Department of Health's chemical testing programs and clarifies the jurisdiction of the traffic tribunal and district court over offenses related to chemical test refusals. The act is set to take effect on July 1, 2025, with violations occurring before this date subject to the look-back provisions in effect at the time of the violation.

Statutes affected:
7631  as amended: 31-41.1-11
7631: 31-41.1-11