The bill amends Chapter 45-24 "Zoning Ordinances" of the General Laws with several insertions and deletions to update and clarify zoning regulations. New purposes for zoning ordinances are inserted, including the right to housing, smart growth, and safety from wildfires. It also adds provisions for the protection of public investment and the promotion of a balance of housing choices. The bill specifies that upon its effective date, local zoning ordinances cannot adopt new provisions regarding wetland buffers or setbacks, and once state regulations are promulgated, local requirements will not apply to new development applications. Cities and towns must update their ordinances within twelve months of the effective date of state regulations, and the bill provides new definitions for terms such as "Architectural form," "Civic space," and renumbers existing definitions to accommodate these changes.

The bill introduces the concept of "Zoning use and form district," which includes various types of zoning districts and defines "Zoning use that raises pollution risk." It mandates that zoning ordinances must address redevelopment, transportation, and environmental quality, and streamlines the development application process. The bill also includes provisions for drive-through windows, development incentives, and regulations for land use adjacent to special public investments. It requires zoning ordinances to be consistent with the comprehensive plan and introduces new provisions for adaptive reuse projects and nonconforming development. The bill changes language to mandate certain alterations to nonconforming developments and introduces new provisions for vested rights, inclusionary zoning, and conditions for granting variances. It outlines the transfer of in-lieu payments for affordable housing to the Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation and reporting requirements. Special provisions for the transfer of development rights in North Kingstown and Exeter are included, and the bill introduces new sections on land development projects and preapplication conferences. The act will take effect upon passage, aiming to promote smart growth and preserve neighborhood character.