The "Lactation Counselors Practice Act of 2024" is a proposed bill that seeks to regulate the practice of lactation counseling by establishing licensure requirements and defining the scope of practice for lactation counselors. The bill introduces a new chapter to Title 23 of the General Laws, specifying that individuals must be licensed to practice as lactation counselors in the state. To be eligible for licensure, applicants must be at least 18 years old, complete an approved academic and practice program, pass an examination, and maintain current certification from the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice. The bill also details the application process, which includes submitting personal information, a non-refundable fee, and certification verification. Licenses are set to expire on January 31 of every odd-numbered year, with specific procedures for renewal and reinstatement of expired or terminated licenses, including additional fees.

The bill outlines the scope of practice for licensed lactation counselors, emphasizing the need to operate within the defined parameters and to refer clients to healthcare professionals when necessary. It exempts certain individuals and services from the licensure requirements, such as those provided by other qualified professionals, students, interns, or through specific programs like WIC. The director is granted the authority to adopt and enforce regulations, and the bill sets forth the grounds for refusal, revocation, or suspension of a license, as well as penalties for violations, which may include fines up to one thousand dollars. All hearings and reviews related to the enforcement of this act will follow administrative procedures, and the act will become effective upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2379: 23-13.6-2