The bill amends Section 36-10-36 of the General Laws in Chapter 36-10, which pertains to post-retirement employment of members who have retired under the provisions of titles 16, 36, or 45. The amendment specifies that retired members cannot be reemployed by any state agency or department without suspending their retirement benefits for the duration of their reemployment. Additionally, no service credits or retirement contributions will be granted or taken during post-retirement employment. The bill also outlines conditions under which retired members may be employed by municipalities, with certain limitations on the number of days worked and compensation received, without affecting their retirement benefits.

Significant changes include the deletion of language specifying that retired members at state colleges, universities, or state schools can only be reemployed for classroom instruction, academic advising, or coaching. Instead, the bill allows for a broader range of part-time employment opportunities at these institutions, while maintaining the existing cap on compensation for part-time work. Other provisions allow retired members to serve in various elected or appointed positions without forfeiting retirement benefits, provided no additional service credits are granted. The bill also details specific conditions for retired nurses, magistrates, and district court clerks/magistrates regarding reemployment and compensation. The act is set to take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2367: 36-10-36