The bill amends Section 45-13-5.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-13 entitled "State Aid" to adjust the provisions for general assembly appropriations in lieu of property taxes from certain exempt private and state properties. The amendment includes a new provision that extends annual payments in lieu of property taxes to real estate owned by the state within the town of Exeter, which was previously restricted. The bill specifies that the general assembly shall annually appropriate a sum equal to twenty-seven percent (27%) of all tax that would have been collected had the real property been taxable, with the percentage subject to adjustment as outlined in subsection (e). Additionally, the bill clarifies that such payments will also apply to state-owned properties in Exeter, regardless of the restrictions set forth in the section.

The bill also includes new language that requires any payments authorized pursuant to this section to be initially applied to create a municipal police force in communities without such a service or to defray costs paid to the state for state police coverage. After these obligations are met, any further payments shall be reduced proportionately if the municipality or local districts within it suspend or reduce essential services to eligible facilities. Essential services are defined to include police, fire, and rescue services. The bill stipulates that the duty to provide public safety or other ordinary services to the properties or facilities listed in subsection (a) does not pertain to the town of Exeter unless it establishes a municipal police department. The act would take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2338: 45-13-5.1