This bill amends Section 36-10-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 36-10, which is titled "Retirement System Contributions and Benefits." The amendment includes a new provision that addresses the state's contributions to the retirement system, particularly in situations where there are vacancies for authorized and appropriated full-time equivalent positions for state employees. Specifically, the bill inserts a new clause stating that if the vacancies for such positions exceed three percent and are filled with contract employees, the governor must include an appropriation to the retirement system equivalent to the average annual employer contribution for each vacant position.

The bill outlines the state's obligations to contribute to the maintenance of the retirement system, including the timely payment of benefits. It details the process for computing the state's annual contribution based on the actuary's calculations and certifications. The bill also specifies the conditions under which supplemental employer contributions to the retirement system are to be made, including the appropriation of funds when the state's contribution rate for state employees or teachers decreases compared to the previous fiscal year. The act would take effect upon passage, and it aims to ensure that the pension fund receives appropriate contributions even when full-time positions are filled by contract employees instead of permanent staff.

Statutes affected:
2312: 36-10-2