The bill amends Section 40-8.5-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-8.5, known as the "Health Care for Elderly and Disabled Residents Act." It authorizes the Department of Human Services to revise its Title XIX state plan to expand categorically needy medical assistance coverage. The amendment increases the income eligibility threshold for individuals who are 65 years or older, or are disabled, from 100% to 180% of the federal poverty level. Additionally, the bill maintains the resource limits at $4,000 for an individual and $6,000 for a couple.

The bill's purpose is to allow more elderly or disabled individuals to qualify for medical assistance by raising the income limits. The scope of medical assistance coverage provided to these individuals would be consistent with that offered to other categorically needy persons under the state's Title XIX state plan. The act is set to take effect immediately upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2311: 40-8.5-1