This bill amends the General Laws to implement ranked choice voting in Rhode Island's presidential preference primaries, allowing voters to rank candidates in order of preference, including the option to rank "uncommitted." It also permits political parties to allocate delegates according to their own rules, either on a winner-take-all or proportional basis, with a default to winner-take-all if not specified. The bill outlines procedures for candidates to declare their intention to run, including the submission of nomination papers signed by at least 1,000 eligible voters. It also details the process for objections to nomination papers, withdrawal of candidates, and the appearance of delegate names on the ballot.

The legislation further specifies the tabulation process for ranked choice voting, including the redistribution of votes from candidates who fall below the threshold for receiving delegates until all remaining candidates meet the threshold. Definitions for terms related to the voting process are provided, and the bill mandates the secretary of state to certify and report round-by-round results to party officials and release unofficial preliminary results on election night. Additionally, the bill includes provisions for conducting risk-limiting audits after elections and publishing audit results on the state board's website. It contains a severability clause and is set to take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7540: 17-12.1-2, 17-12.1-4, 17-12.1-8, 17-12.1-9, 17-19-37.4