The bill proposes an amendment to Chapter 31-3 of the General Laws, specifically adding a new section that authorizes the creation of special motor vehicle registration plates for The Preservation Society of Rhode Island. The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is empowered to issue these special plates, which will be designed in collaboration with The Preservation Society and approved by the Rhode Island state police. The special plates will replace the original registration plates and must be used in accordance with existing vehicle registration laws. The design and issuance of these plates are contingent upon meeting minimum pre-paid order requirements and the completion of necessary paperwork.

In addition to the regular vehicle registration fee, there will be a $40.00 issuance surcharge for the special plates, with $20.00 allocated to the general fund and the remaining $20.00 distributed annually to The Preservation Society of Rhode Island to support its mission. A $10.00 surcharge will also be applied for subsequent registration renewals, which will be allocated to The Preservation Society. The funds received from the registration of these plates must be used for the benefit of Rhode Island-based charitable organizations, and The Preservation Society is required to submit an annual accounting report before the funds are distributed. There will be no refunds for early cancellation of these plates. The act will take effect six months after passage.