The bill amends Chapter 395 of the Public Laws of 2017, which incorporates the Rhode Island Commission for National and Community Service. The amendment includes a change in the commission's name, adding "d/b/a Serve RI" (doing business as Serve RI) to its title. Additionally, the bill modifies the composition of the commission's board of commissioners. The number of voting members is changed from a fixed twenty-five to a minimum of fifteen members, all of whom are to be appointed by the governor. The bill also introduces a new category of representation on the board by adding a representative of the volunteer sector.

The bill outlines the appointment process for the board of commissioners, including the initial terms of service and the process for filling vacancies. It specifies that no more than 25% of the voting members may be state government officers or employees, and no more than 50% plus one member may belong to the same political party. The commission's duties are detailed, including preparing a three-year national service plan, administering grants, and integrating service programs into the state strategic service plan. The bill also addresses the commission's financial support mechanisms and conflict of interest resolution. The act is set to take effect upon passage.