The bill proposes amendments to the Rhode Island General Laws concerning the treatment of individuals involved in prostitution. It is a response to the findings of the "Special Legislative Study Commission Ensuring Racial Equity and Optimizing Health and Safety Laws Affecting Marginalized Individuals," which met several times and issued a comprehensive report with recommendations. The bill specifically recommends the repeal of § 42-56-20.3(e), which imposes additional court costs on those convicted of prostitution, and calls for an evaluation of the "Loitering for prostitution" statute § 11-34.1-4(a). The rationale behind these changes is to reduce the economic marginalization and hardship faced by individuals engaged in prostitution, and to address concerns that such laws are disproportionately enforced against communities of color and transgender people.

The bill includes the insertion of a new title for Section 42-56-20.3, "Community correctional program for women offenders," and the deletion of subsection (e) which outlines the additional penalties for prostitution-related offenses. Additionally, the bill repeals Section 11-34.1-4 in its entirety, which criminalizes loitering for the purpose of prostitution or other commercial sexual activity. The explanation provided by the Legislative Council states that the act would repeal provisions assessing costs for women in the community corrections program for women offenders and would repeal the crime of loitering for prostitution, with the act taking effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7452: 42-56-20.3, 11-34.1-4