The bill amends the General Laws in Chapter 29-1, focusing on the qualifications and roles of the state librarian and reference librarians, requiring them to have a master’s degree from an American Library Association-accredited program and removing the previous requirement for the state librarian to be "qualified by training and experience." It also updates the language to include the preservation of "materials" rather than just "books" and changes "clerical service" to "reference librarians." The bill repeals sections dealing with the exchange of publications with outside agencies and cooperation with federal officials, and amends Chapter 29-7 to broaden the definition of state agencies and clarify the clearinghouse director's role, who must also hold a graduate degree in library science.

The bill introduces a requirement for state agencies to appoint a documents officer to deposit state publications with the clearinghouse, changing the tangible copy deposit requirement to a number determined by the clearinghouse director and mandating the deposit of one electronic copy for digital preservation. It allows the clearinghouse to form depository agreements with Rhode Island libraries and sets standards for these libraries. The bill removes the requirement for the clearinghouse to publish a quarterly checklist and repeals sections establishing the clearinghouse advisory committee. The act aims to modernize the state library system by emphasizing digital publications and is set to take effect upon passage.