The bill seeks to amend Section 44-3-4 of the General Laws, which pertains to "Property Subject to Taxation," specifically to increase the property tax exemption for veterans from one thousand dollars ($1,000) to five thousand dollars ($5,000). This exemption is applicable to veterans of various conflicts, including World War II, the Korean conflict, the Vietnam conflict, and other specified military engagements, as well as to their unmarried widows or widowers. Additionally, the bill makes adjustments to the exemption amounts for specific municipalities, with some deletions of existing figures and provisions for new exemption amounts to be set by local ordinances. For example, the exemption in Burrillville is deleted without a replacement figure, while in Cumberland, the town council may set an exemption of up to twenty-three thousand seven hundred seventy-two dollars ($23,772).

The legislation also addresses exemptions for totally disabled persons and veterans with service-connected disabilities, with different exemption amounts for various localities. For instance, in Warren, the town council may provide an exemption of up to eight thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($8,250) for partially disabled veterans. The bill includes a provision for a ten-thousand-dollar ($10,000) exemption from local taxation on real property for any veteran who is totally disabled through service-connected disability and has received assistance for specially adapted housing. Furthermore, the bill outlines the authority of town councils to provide exemptions or tax credits to veterans, including those classified as prisoners of war, veterans of the Persian Gulf conflict, and veterans with partial disabilities. It also specifies that widows or widowers of veterans remain eligible for exemptions even if they remarry, unless the remarriage is still valid. The bill would take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7383  SUB A: 44-3-4
7383: 44-3-4