The bill amends Chapter 36-10 entitled "Retirement System Contributions and Benefits" of the General Laws to adjust the retirement system contributions for certain state employees. Specifically, it introduces a new provision that, effective July 1, 2024, state employees who are deputy sheriffs, capitol police officers, environmental police officers, juvenile program workers, shift coordinators, firefighters, crew chiefs, assistant chiefs, fire investigators, fire safety inspectors, fire safety training officers, explosives and flammable liquids technicians, and campus police officers employed by the state of Rhode Island, as well as executive military staff, will contribute an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of their compensation to the retirement system. This change is an insertion into the existing law.

Additionally, the bill amends the definitions section of Chapter 36-10.3 entitled "Defined Contribution Retirement Plan" to exclude the aforementioned state employees from the definition of "employee" effective July 1, 2024. It also adds a new section, 36-10-9.8, to Chapter 36-10, which provides that these state employees will be entitled to the benefits provided by various sections of the municipal retirement system, effective July 1, 2024. The bill is designed to provide state employee public safety professionals with parity to public safety employees of the municipal retirement system regarding retirement contributions. The act will take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7341: 36-10-1, 36-10.3-1