The bill amends Section 23-17-19.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-17, entitled "Licensing of Healthcare Facilities," to update the rights of patients in healthcare facilities. The amendment includes a new provision regarding the conduct of human-subjects research on patients. It specifies that healthcare facilities may engage in such research, provided that it complies with the patient consent and/or de-identification requirements of 21 C.F.R. Pt. 50 and/or 45 C.F.R. Pt. 46, which relate to the informed consent of human subjects. The bill removes the requirement for healthcare facilities to inform patients prospectively about research proposals involving potentially lifesaving devices, medications, or treatments when the patient cannot consent due to a life-threatening situation, and no consent is available from an agent or decision-maker. Additionally, the requirement for healthcare facilities to file a copy of the relevant research protocol with the department of health, making it publicly available, has been deleted.

The bill also reinforces the rights of patients to respectful care, information about their treatment, privacy, and confidentiality, as well as the right to refuse treatment. It outlines the patient's right to be informed about transfers, the identities of institutions involved in their care, and the right to examine and receive explanations of their medical bills. Furthermore, the bill prohibits discrimination in care based on various personal characteristics and ensures the right to pain assessment and information about hospice care. The act will take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7301  SUB B: 23-17-19.1
7301  SUB A: 23-17-19.1
7301: 23-17-19.1