The bill amends Chapter 11-34.1 of the General Laws to redefine prostitution as a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment or a fine, with increased penalties for subsequent offenses. It introduces an affirmative defense for those coerced into commercial sexual activity under duress, such as threats of harm or legal abuse. The bill also grants immunity from prosecution for prostitution offenses to individuals who report certain crimes in good faith, seek health care as a result of such crimes, or assist in investigations or prosecutions. This immunity is maintained even if the reported crime is not prosecuted or does not lead to a conviction, and it remains in place if the individual withdraws cooperation due to safety or health concerns.

Furthermore, the bill amends Chapter 23-20.8, which pertains to the licensing of massage therapists. It requires a license to practice and use the title "massage therapist," sets forth qualifications including continuing education, and mandates the display of license information. The bill also introduces a requirement for a national criminal background check for massage therapist license applicants, with the bureau of criminal identification responsible for informing the applicant and the board of any disqualifying information. New legal language ensures that individuals who are victims or witnesses of certain crimes and meet specific conditions are immune from prosecution for prostitution-related offenses, and it clarifies that law enforcement officers are not immune from civil liability for wrongly citing or arresting individuals who qualify for immunity. The act will take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7307: 11-34.1-2, 23-20.8-3