The bill amends Section 34-18-16.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-18, known as the "Residential Landlord and Tenant Act," to change the notice requirements for rent increases. Specifically, it increases the notice period that landlords must give to tenants before imposing a rent increase from thirty (30) days to sixty (60) days. Additionally, the bill stipulates that landlords must give at least one hundred twenty (120) days notice to month-to-month tenants over the age of sixty-two (62) years before raising the rent. The bill also clarifies that these notice requirements do not apply to independent living facilities, assisted living facilities, or congregate care facilities.

Furthermore, the bill includes a provision stating that landlords are not required to provide notice of a rent increase on a timeframe that exceeds what is set forth under any other state or federal law, regulation, or requirement of any applicable housing program established under state or federal law or regulation. The bill is set to take effect upon passage. The explanation by the Legislative Council indicates that the purpose of the act is to amend the notice requirements for landlords regarding rent increases for residential properties.

Statutes affected:
7304  SUB A: 34-18-16.1
7304: 34-18-16.1