The "Uniform Telehealth Act" is a new chapter added to Title 23 of the General Laws, aimed at regulating telehealth services within the state. It defines key terms related to telehealth and stipulates that the chapter applies to telehealth services provided to patients within the state, excluding services to patients outside the state. The bill mandates that telehealth services adhere to the same professional practice standards as in-person care, including prescribing, documentation, and privacy protocols. It also prevents state boards or agencies from establishing different professional practice standards for telehealth or limiting the telecommunication technology used to deliver these services.

The legislation permits out-of-state practitioners to offer telehealth services to patients in the state under specific conditions, such as holding a relevant license or certification, registering with the state's licensing board, or collaborating with a local practitioner. The bill sets forth a registration process for these out-of-state practitioners, which includes requirements like holding an equivalent license from another state, not being under disciplinary investigation, and carrying professional liability insurance that covers telehealth services in the state. The bill also details the potential disciplinary actions for registered practitioners who breach the act's provisions or face disciplinary measures from other state boards. Furthermore, the bill outlines the responsibilities of registered practitioners, such as avoiding the establishment of a physical office or providing in-person care in the state, and it clarifies the jurisdiction for civil actions related to telehealth services. The act includes a severability clause and would become effective immediately upon passage.