The bill introduces amendments to Chapter 11-47 of the General Laws, which pertains to "Weapons," by updating and expanding definitions related to firearms. New definitions for terms such as "3D printing process," "binary trigger," "bump-fire stock," "ghost gun," and others are added to clarify regulated weapons and components. The bill also specifies the criteria for a "suitable person" who can possess a pistol or revolver, considering potential risks posed by individuals. It further addresses the carrying of concealed firearms, exempting certain individuals from restrictions and allowing Rhode Island to recognize concealed handgun permits from other states under specific conditions.

The bill modifies the application process for licenses to carry concealed pistols or revolvers, removing the requirement for applicants to demonstrate a specific reason to fear injury and stating that self-defense is a sufficient reason. It also outlines the process for application, approval, denial, and renewal of licenses, including the requirement for the licensing authority to act within set timeframes. New insertions include detailed application requirements, such as proof of citizenship or work authorization, and a comprehensive personal history. The bill also protects the confidentiality of personal information of license holders and sets the fee for a license or permit at $40.00. Additionally, it introduces an emergency permit extension system with a $50 fee and a 90-day validity period for renewals. Lastly, the bill amends public records law to keep firearms permit application documents confidential and outlines the process for review and appeal of permit decisions, including the right to a trial de novo in superior court. The act would take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2201: 38-2-2