The bill proposes an amendment to Section 33-15-47 of the General Laws in Chapter 33-15, which deals with "Limited Guardianship and Guardianship of Adults." It introduces a new form section titled "Supported Decision-Making, see chapter 66.13 of title 42," indicating that supported decision-making should be considered as a less restrictive alternative to guardianship for adults who may lack decision-making capacity in certain areas. The bill includes comprehensive forms covering petitions for guardianship, the assistance required by the respondent, alternatives to guardianship that have been considered, and the qualifications of the proposed guardian. Additionally, it outlines the process for serving notice, certifying service, and includes a decision-making assessment tool for the Probate Court's use.

The decision-making assessment tool is a detailed form that must be completed by a physician or other qualified professional familiar with the individual in question. It assesses the individual's decision-making ability across various life areas, including biological, psychological, and social aspects. The form requires information on medications, nutritional status, and assessments of memory, attention, judgment, language, and emotion. It concludes with a summary where the professional provides their opinion on the individual's need for a substitute decision-maker. The bill emphasizes the exploration of less restrictive options like supported decision-making before appointing a guardian and would become effective upon passage. There are no specific insertions or deletions from the current law mentioned in the summary provided.

Statutes affected:
7239: 33-15-47