The bill proposes an amendment to Chapter 45-2 of the General Laws, specifically adding a new section that mandates the registration of all sole proprietorships, partnerships, and other business entities not already filed with or registered at the secretary of state, to register with the town clerk of Cumberland. The registration must include the business name, owner(s) or operator(s) names, location, type of business, and other basic information as required by the town clerk. A fee of ten dollars ($10.00) is to be charged for each registration, and upon registration, a certificate will be issued which must be displayed conspicuously within the business premises. This certificate will expire on December 31st each year and must be renewed annually, with proof of payment of all municipal taxes.

The bill also stipulates that businesses required to obtain other specific licenses (such as liquor or victualling licenses) are exempt from the registration fee. Violations of the provisions in this chapter will result in a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day for each offense, which can be appealed to the Cumberland municipal court. The fines collected will benefit the town, and each day a violation continues is considered a separate offense. The act will become effective immediately upon passage.