The bill amends Section 42-64.17-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-64.17 entitled "Long-Term Economic Development" to include considerations for climate change, sea-level rise, and coastal resiliency in Rhode Island's long-term economic development vision and policy. The economic development corporation and the division of planning are tasked with developing a written strategic plan that integrates these factors with business growth, land use, and transportation choices. The plan should also focus on equitable outcomes for all Rhode Islanders and rely on comprehensive economic data, including the state's economic competitiveness and business climate. Additionally, the bill outlines the requirement for detailed implementation plans with stated goals and specific performance measures.
The bill also modifies the composition of the economic development planning council, increasing the number of members from seventeen (17) to nineteen (19). This change is achieved by adding the director of the department of environmental management and the executive director of the coastal resources management council to the council. The title of the chair of the council is updated from the director of the economic development corporation to the secretary of commerce. The bill mandates that the economic development planning council, along with the secretary of commerce, develop and submit the long-term economic development vision and policy to the senate and house of representatives, with the final approval by the governor only after a public hearing. The act is set to take effect upon passage.
Statutes affected: 7246 SUB A: 42-64.17-1
7246: 42-64.17-1