The bill amends Chapter 28-14 of the General Laws by adding a new section titled "Construction industry paycheck recovery," which defines key terms related to the construction industry and establishes that contractors are liable for wage claims incurred by subcontractors. Contractors must assume this liability if written notice of the alleged wage violation is given within 45 days of the last occurrence of the alleged wage theft, and they can extinguish this liability by paying the owed wages within the notice period. The bill limits a contractor's liability to 120 consecutive days of wage theft prior to the notice and invalidates any agreements that waive this liability. It also allows employees to authorize others to file wage claims on their behalf and holds contractors jointly and severally liable for unpaid wages and related costs, while preserving the rights under collective bargaining agreements and the attorney general's ability to bring civil actions for unpaid wages. The bill specifies that contractors and subcontractors are jointly liable for wage theft claims if proper notice is given, and it allows for administrative and/or civil actions to recover wages. It includes a severability clause to ensure the rest of the section remains effective if any part is invalidated. The act will take effect on September 1, 2024, and applies to construction contracts entered into, renewed, modified, or amended on or after this date. The text includes tags to indicate new legal language, but no tags are present, suggesting no existing legal language is being removed.