The bill proposes significant amendments to Chapter 42-28.6 of the General Laws, renaming it the "DUE PROCESS, ACCOUNTABILITY, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS’ TRANSPARENCY ACT." It revises the composition and appointment process of the "Hearing committee," expanding it to five members and including a retired justice or judge, a practicing attorney, and three law enforcement officers, with measures to prevent conflicts of interest. The bill also modifies interrogation procedures, ensuring officers are informed of complaints and complainants, and prohibits threats during interrogation. It defines a "qualified officer," adjusts legal fee structures, and updates language to be gender-neutral. Notable deletions include restrictions on public statements before a hearing committee's decision, and insertions allow chiefs to release video evidence and make public statements, with conditions.

The bill also changes the process for convening the initial hearing committee meeting, now requiring it within thirty days of the chairperson's appointment. It introduces a new section on the conduct of hearings, allowing both parties to present evidence and argument, and be represented by counsel. The chairperson is given discretion in imposing sanctions for non-compliance with evidence disclosure. Decisions from hearings must be in writing and promptly delivered, with guilty findings sent to the Rhode Island police officers commission for review. The bill mandates the creation of an administrative record for each hearing and requires reporting to the national decertification index. It also outlines suspension procedures for officers under criminal investigation or facing disciplinary actions, and states that certain pleas or convictions will result in dismissal. The bill sets a January 1, 2025 effective date.