The bill amends Section 42-64.17-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-64.17, titled "Long-Term Economic Development," to include considerations for climate change, sea-level rise, and coastal resiliency in Rhode Island's long-term economic development vision and policy. The economic development corporation and the division of planning are tasked with developing a written strategic plan that integrates business growth with land use and transportation, supports infrastructure, ensures equitable outcomes, relies on comprehensive economic data (now including climate-related factors), and includes detailed implementation plans with goals and performance measures. The plan must be submitted to the governor and legislative bodies by October 31, 2014, and updated with each new or re-elected gubernatorial administration.

Additionally, the bill increases the membership of the economic development planning council from seventeen to nineteen by adding the director of the department of environmental management and the executive director of the coastal resources management council. The council, led by the secretary of commerce, is responsible for developing the economic development vision and policy, considering the impact on small businesses, and holding public hearings. The final policy and plan require a public hearing in the house and senate before the governor's approval and must be published by December 31 of that year. The bill also outlines the council's administrative support, cooperation from state departments, and the ability to hire consultants. The act takes effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
2043  SUB A: 42-64.17-1
2043: 42-64.17-1