This bill makes several amendments to the General Laws related to access to public records. It adds new language specifying that certain exemptions in the chapter protect information about individuals that would invade personal privacy. It also amends the definition of "agency" or "public body" to include the police department of any educational institution of higher learning employing special police officers or peace officers. The bill further clarifies the definition of "public record" to include electronic mail messages, with exceptions for certain electronic mail messages of or to elected officials. It also specifies that certain records, such as medical records and information protected by healthcare confidentiality laws, are not deemed public. The bill provides exemptions for trade secrets, commercial or financial information, child custody and adoption records, and records of juvenile proceedings. It also specifies that records maintained by law enforcement agencies for criminal law enforcement and records relating to the detection and investigation of crime are not deemed public, with exceptions for certain records related to the management and direction of a law enforcement agency and the initial arrest of an adult.

This bill also amends current law regarding public records. It states that any final reports of investigations conducted by internal affair units or their equivalent shall be public records, with the exception of personal identifiers that may be redacted to protect privacy. The bill also requires that all police body-worn camera recordings be subject to public access, with the exception of recordings related to ongoing investigations, which must be made available within 30 days of a request. The bill also lists several categories of records that are exempt from public disclosure, including records that would not be available to an opposing party in litigation, scientific and technological secrets, and records of labor negotiations or collective bargaining. It also adds new exemptions for records related to library users, credit card account numbers, and evaluations of public school employees. The bill also clarifies the procedures for accessing public records and requires public bodies to state the specific basis for withholding any information or making redactions.

Statutes affected:
7181: 39-21.1-17