The General Assembly has enacted a bill to amend Title 23 of the General Laws, specifically by adding a new chapter titled "LICENSING OF YOUTH CAMPS." This new chapter outlines definitions, requirements for licensing, inspection protocols, and the authority for the Department of Human Services to promulgate necessary rules and regulations. Key definitions include "adequate," "CCAP," "day camp," "department," "director," "residential camp," and "youth camp," with specific emphasis on the camps' operation times, acceptance of CCAP payment rates, and limitations on overnight programs.

To be licensed or to renew a license, youth camps must meet several requirements, such as providing adequate potable water, maintaining facilities in good condition, having an adequate and competent staff including a director, activity specialists, counselors, and maintenance personnel, and ensuring all staff over eighteen undergo a criminal records background check. Additionally, staff must be trained in behavioral management, emergency health and safety procedures, and recognizing, preventing, and reporting child abuse and neglect. Hazardous activities must be supervised by qualified specialists, and camps must include individuals trained in first aid. Camps are also required to keep detailed records of camper personal data and operate only within the scope of their license. The act mandates annual inspections of facilities and establishes that the new regulations will take effect on January 1, 2025.