The bill amends Section 42-46-6 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-46, entitled "Open Meetings," to allow for changes in how public bodies, specifically school committees, provide notice of their meetings and handle agenda items. The bill stipulates that all public bodies must give written notice of their regularly scheduled meetings at the beginning of each calendar year, including dates, times, and places, which must be provided to the public upon request and to the secretary of state. Additionally, public bodies are required to give at least 48 hours' notice (excluding weekends and state holidays) for any meetings, with details on the business to be discussed. The notice must be posted at the principal office or meeting building and another prominent place within the governmental unit, as well as electronically filed with the secretary of state.

The bill specifically allows school committees to add items to their meeting agendas for discussion purposes only, without the intention of voting on those items, under certain conditions. These conditions include electronic filing of the revised agenda with the secretary of state, posting on the school district's website, and at two public locations at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The public body must also explain why the items could not be added in time for newspaper publication and must have a formal process to notify interested parties of the revised agenda. The bill also outlines the electronic transmission and filing requirements for notices with the secretary of state, which will take effect one year after the subsection takes effect. The act would take effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7129  SUB A: 42-46-6
7129: 42-46-6