The bill amends the General Laws concerning the care and protection of trees and shrubs on public roads and grounds. It clarifies the tree warden's authority to enter private property for tree care within public road limits and grants electric distribution companies the right to perform vegetation management. The bill prohibits injuring or removing trees and shrubs without consent, except as provided in chapter 33 of title 39, and requires the replacement of trees that are removed or substantially damaged. Permits are necessary for cutting or removal, and a bond must be filed for tree replacement. It also establishes liability for unauthorized cutting, with compensation required at twice the value of any tree cut and thrice the value for wood or underwood.

Additionally, the bill introduces a new chapter titled "VEGETATION MANAGEMENT FOR ELECTRIC SYSTEM RELIABILITY" to Title 39, which outlines the need for comprehensive vegetation management to ensure electric system reliability and public safety. Electric distribution companies with over 100,000 customers must file vegetation management standards with the Rhode Island division of public utilities and carriers, including specifications for clearing vegetation, a notification process, and public education programs. The bill requires collaboration with tree wardens and mandates a customer service number for questions or complaints. It also details the approval process for vegetation management standards, allowing companies to implement these standards without most state and local permits and recover reasonable costs. Customers can engage with companies regarding vegetation management activities, and unresolved issues can be escalated to the local tree warden or the division. The bill ensures that the rights of electric distribution companies to conduct vegetation management are not limited and includes a severability clause, with immediate effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
7086  SUB A as amended: 2-14-5, 11-35-1, 34-20-1
7086  SUB A: 2-14-5, 11-35-1, 34-20-1
7086: 2-14-5, 11-35-1, 34-20-1