The bill amends zoning laws by introducing new definitions and modifying existing ones, such as "Abutter," "Accessory dwelling unit (ADU)," "Building," and "Building envelope," among others. It also revises the definitions of "Aggrieved party," "Agricultural land," and "Airport hazard area." The bill provides detailed explanations of terms like "Freeboard," "Halfway house," "Household," and "Incentive zoning," which are essential for the application of zoning laws. Additionally, it defines various lot-related terms and includes definitions related to nonconformance, overlay districts, performance standards, and permitted uses, setting a comprehensive framework for land use management.

The bill significantly changes the regulation of accessory dwelling units (ADUs), removing the requirement for ADUs to be in owner-occupied residences and allowing them as permitted uses in all residential zoning districts through an administrative building permit process. It permits plant agriculture in all zoning districts with certain exceptions and encourages adaptive reuse of commercial buildings for residential or mixed-use developments, with exemptions from certain parking requirements. The bill sets uniform standards for ADUs, including size limits and tenant criteria, and prohibits municipalities from imposing unreasonable restrictions or fees on ADUs. It also repeals Section 45-24-74 of the General Laws, which previously addressed zoning provisions for ADUs. The bill will take effect upon passage and includes deletions such as the removal of special use permits and minimum lot size requirements for ADUs, and allows municipalities to exempt ADUs from certain fees.

Statutes affected:
7062  SUB A: 45-24-74
7062: 45-24-74