This bill, titled "Construction Industry Paycheck Recovery," aims to hold contractors liable for any debts resulting from wage claims made by subcontractors. The bill defines key terms such as "benefits," "construction," "construction contract," "contractor," "person," "owner," and "subcontractor." It states that contractors must assume liability for any debt resulting from wage claims incurred by subcontractors for their labor. The bill also prohibits employees or subcontractors from waiving the liability assigned to a contractor and allows contractors to maintain an action against subcontractors for owed wages. The remedies available for a claim under this section are limited to civil and administrative actions. The bill also allows employees to authorize someone else to file a complaint on their behalf and holds contractors jointly and severally liable for any unpaid wages, benefits, penalties, and damages resulting from an action against a subcontractor. The bill does not preclude the attorney general from bringing a civil action to collect unpaid wages and penalties on behalf of employees. It also prohibits contractors from evading or negating the requirements of this section, but allows them to establish and enforce lawful remedies against subcontractors. The bill states that it does not diminish the rights of employees under any collective bargaining agreement, but allows for the waiver of its provisions by a collective bargaining agreement with a bona fide building and construction trade labor organization. The bill includes a severability clause and would take effect on September 1, 2024, applying to construction contracts entered into, renewed, modified, or amended on or after that date.