The bill amends Chapter 23-6.5 of the General Laws, which is now titled "AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS REQUIRED AT PUBLIC PLACES AND HEALTH CARE FACILITIES," to expand the requirement for Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to include health care facilities in addition to public places. The legislative findings highlight the importance of AEDs in saving lives during sudden cardiac arrest events, noting the increased survival rates when defibrillation is performed within the first few minutes. The bill mandates that health care facilities, as well as facilities hosting large numbers of visitors, must provide and maintain on-site AEDs in adequate quantities as deemed necessary by the director of health. Additionally, at least one person must be properly trained in the operation and use of an AED at these locations.

The bill also introduces new definitions, specifying what constitutes a "health care facility" and a "public place" for the purposes of this chapter. Health care facilities are broadly defined to include a wide range of health service providers and institutions, while public places are described as enclosed areas capable of holding 300 or more people where the public is invited or permitted. The act excludes private residences from the definition of a "public place" unless they are used for childcare, adult daycare, or health care. The bill is set to take effect on September 1, 2024.