This bill amends Section 39-1-27.3 of the General Laws to require electric distribution companies to provide retail access, standard offer, and last-resort service. The bill requires each electric distribution company to offer retail access to all customers from nonregulated power producers. It also requires each electric distribution company to arrange for a standard power-supply offer to customers who have not elected to enter into power-supply arrangements with other nonregulated power suppliers. The rates for standard-offer service must be approved by the commission and designed to recover the costs of the electric distribution company. The bill allows the electric distribution company to recover its costs incurred from providing the standard offer.

Additionally, the bill requires each electric distribution company to arrange for a last-resort power supply for customers who have left the standard offer and are not receiving electric service from nonregulated power producers. The electric distribution company must procure last-resort service supply from wholesale power suppliers. The bill allows the electric distribution company to file a supply acquisition plan with the commission, which includes the acquisition procedure, pricing options, and proposed term of service for last-resort service. The commission has the authority to review and approve the acquisition plan and may modify it due to changed market conditions. The bill also allows the electric distribution company to recover its costs incurred from providing last-resort service. The commission has the discretion to approve special tariff conditions and rates proposed by the electric distribution company. The bill requires the electric distribution company to account for and reconcile its last-resort service revenues and costs annually. The commission may promulgate regulations to implement this section, including the terms and conditions of last-resort service and the required annual review of the acquisition plan.

Statutes affected:
476: 39-1-27.3