This bill amends the Green Buildings Act to include new definitions and provisions. It adds definitions for "commercial building," "energy," "energy performance rating or assessment score," "energy use benchmarking tool," "large building," "owner," "residential building," and "tenant." The bill also requires the office of energy resources to undertake energy use benchmarking for large buildings and analyze energy use trends to identify opportunities for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

The bill also requires the Office of Energy Resources to develop and provide a benchmarking tool for building owners to report their energy use. Building owners must report their energy use annually, and the office will make this information available to the public. The office will also prepare an annual report on the energy performance of large buildings and make recommendations for further energy reductions. The bill establishes energy performance standards for large buildings and provides compliance pathways for owners who do not meet the standards. It also allows for exemptions from compliance under certain circumstances and requires coordination with utility companies to establish incentive and financial assistance programs. Municipalities may establish their own energy programs as long as they meet certain conditions.

Statutes affected:
166: 37-24-3