This bill amends two sections of the General Laws. Section 1 amends Section 11-24-2 of the General Laws to prohibit discrimination in places of public accommodation based on COVID vaccination status. It also prohibits the publication of any communication, notice, or advertisement that refuses accommodations based on COVID vaccination status. Section 2 amends Section 28-5-7 of the General Laws to prohibit employers from discriminating against individuals based on their COVID vaccination history or their refusal to receive a COVID vaccine. It also requires employers who have terminated an employee based on their refusal to receive a COVID vaccine to offer reinstatement and reinstate any lost benefits. Overall, this bill aims to prohibit discrimination based on COVID vaccination status in places of public accommodation and in employment.

This bill also amends current law to prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, age, or country of ancestral origin. It also prohibits employers from including questions about an applicant's criminal history on job applications, unless required by federal or state law. The bill allows employers to ask about an applicant's criminal convictions at the first interview or thereafter, in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. Additionally, the bill allows employers to reduce benefits or compensation provided to employees for a limited period of time in order to comply with certain sections of the law. The bill also specifies the governor's responsibilities relating to disaster emergencies, including the power to declare a state of emergency, activate state and local disaster emergency plans, and suspend regulatory statutes.

Statutes affected:
5565: 11-24-2, 28-5-7, 30-15-9, 34-37-4.3