This bill amends the Education Equity and Property Tax Relief Act to include a new provision for permanent foundation education aid. The foundation education aid for each district will be determined by a formula that includes a core instruction amount and an amount to support high-need students. The core instruction amount will be based on a per-pupil amount derived from expenditure data and enrollment data. The amount to support high-need students will be determined by multiplying a student success factor by the core instruction per-pupil amount. The bill also adds a new qualifying factor for high-need students, which is whether the student is an English language learner as defined by the department of education's regulations. The bill also requires the department of education to develop and utilize a poverty measure that accurately serves as a proxy for poverty status and does not rely on the administration of school nutrition programs. The department will provide an estimate of the foundation education aid cost and report updated figures based on average daily membership. Local education agencies may use a portion of the funds received to expand learning opportunities, and the department of education will promulgate regulations to implement the purposes of the act. The bill takes effect upon passage.

Statutes affected:
67: 16-7.2-3