No. 676
Session of
1 Amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania
2 Consolidated Statutes, establishing the First Responder
3 Resilience Grant Program and the First Responder Resilience
4 Grant Program Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania
5 Emergency Management Agency.
6 The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
7 hereby enacts as follows:
8 Section 1. Title 35 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
9 Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
12 Subchapter
13 A. Preliminary Provisions
14 B. First Responder Resilience Grant Program
15 C. First Responder Resilience Grant Program Fund
16 D. Miscellaneous Provisions
1 Sec.
2 75B01. Scope of chapter.
3 75B02. Definitions.
4 § 75B01. Scope of chapter.
5 This chapter relates to first responder resilience grants.
6 § 75B02. Definitions.
7 The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
8 shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
9 context clearly indicates otherwise:
10 "Agency." The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
11 "Evidence-based tool." As follows:
12 (1) A service or program that is designed for a first
13 responder to withstand, recover from and grow in the face of
14 stressors, trauma and the changing demands resulting from the
15 unique work of the first responder.
16 (2) The term includes:
17 (i) Peer mentoring.
18 (ii) Training and assistance regarding emotional and
19 mental health.
20 (iii) Integrative medicine, physical relaxation and
21 mindfulness techniques, including massage therapy, talk
22 therapy, yoga and meditation.
23 (iv) Suicide prevention.
24 (v) Stress reduction techniques.
25 (vi) Support services for the first responder and
26 the family of the first responder.
27 "First responder." As defined in paragraphs (1), (2), (3),
28 (4), (5) and (7) of the definition of "first responder" under
29 section 79C11 (relating to definitions).
30 "First responder organization." An entity in this
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1 Commonwealth for which a first responder is employed or
2 volunteers for service.
3 "Fund." The First Responder Resilience Grant Program Fund
4 established under section 75B21 (relating to establishment of
5 fund).
6 "Mental health care." Any care, treatment, service or
7 procedure to maintain, diagnose, treat or provide for mental
8 health, including any medication program or therapeutic
9 treatment.
10 "Mental health provider." A person that is licensed,
11 certified or otherwise authorized by the laws of this
12 Commonwealth to administer or provide mental health care in the
13 ordinary course of business or practice of a profession.
14 "Program." The First Responder Resilience Grant Program
15 established under section 75B11 (relating to establishment of
16 program).
17 "Resilience coach." An individual who:
18 (1) Is a mental health provider.
19 (2) Supports the mental health and wellness of the first
20 responders within a first responder organization by providing
21 the first responders with evidence-based tools to withstand,
22 recover and grow in the face of stressors, trauma and the
23 changing demands of the unique work of first responders.
26 Sec.
27 75B11. Establishment of program.
28 75B12. Purpose of program.
29 75B13. Application form.
30 75B14. Review and determination.
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1 75B15. Distribution of grants.
2 § 75B11. Establishment of program.
3 The First Responder Resilience Grant Program is established
4 within the agency, which shall implement and administer the
5 program in accordance with this chapter.
6 § 75B12. Purpose of program.
7 The purpose of the program is to award grants to first
8 responder organizations, on a competitive basis, to defray
9 personnel costs, including salaries and overtime, involved in
10 embedding resilience coaches into first responder organizations.
11 § 75B13. Application form.
12 (a) Development.--The agency shall develop an application
13 form for first responder organizations to apply for grants under
14 the program.
15 (b) Contents.--The application form for a grant under the
16 program must include at least the following information:
17 (1) The name, address and contact information of the
18 first responder organization requesting the grant.
19 (2) The amount of the requested grant.
20 (3) The proposed use for the requested grant.
21 (4) Any other information that the agency deems
22 necessary and appropriate.
23 § 75B14. Review and determination.
24 (a) Process generally.--The agency shall prescribe the
25 process to submit and review completed application forms in
26 accordance with this section.
27 (b) Acceptance of completed application forms.--
28 (1) Beginning no later than 180 days after the effective
29 date of this paragraph, the agency shall begin accepting and
30 processing applications for grants under the program.
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1 (2) For all subsequent years, the agency shall establish
2 an application period during which applications for grants
3 under the program are accepted.
4 (c) Review.--After receiving a completed application for a
5 grant under the program from a first responder organization, the
6 agency shall review the application and determine:
7 (1) Whether to award the grant to the first responder
8 organization, in whole or in part.
9 (2) The amount of any grant awarded, along with any
10 conditions for or restrictions on the use of the grant.
11 (d) Consideration and preference.--
12 (1) Grants under the program shall be awarded on a
13 competitive basis.
14 (2) In awarding grants under the program, the agency
15 shall give preference to first responder organizations whose
16 application demonstrates the greatest likelihood to fulfill
17 the purposes of the program.
18 (e) Time periods.--
19 (1) The agency shall approve or deny an application
20 under the program no later than 60 days after the receipt of
21 the application.
22 (2) If the agency fails to approve or deny the
23 application in accordance with paragraph (1), the application
24 shall be deemed denied.
25 (f) Notice.--The agency shall provide notice of the
26 determination under subsection (c), including:
27 (1) In the case of approval of the application, the
28 amount of the grant and any conditions for or restrictions on
29 the use of the grant.
30 (2) In the case of a full or partial disapproval of the
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1 application, the reasons for the full or partial disapproval.
2 § 75B15. Distribution of grants.
3 (a) Amount.--The agency may establish limits on the amount
4 of a grant for a first responder organization.
5 (b) First-come, first-served basis.--The agency shall
6 distribute grants under the program on a first-come, first-
7 served basis determined by the agency and until all the money in
8 the fund is exhausted.
11 Sec.
12 75B21. Establishment of fund.
13 75B22. Operation of fund.
14 75B23. Fund sources.
15 § 75B21. Establishment of fund.
16 The First Responder Resilience Grant Program Fund is
17 established as a nonlapsing fund in the State Treasury to carry
18 out the purposes of the program.
19 § 75B22. Operation of fund.
20 (a) Appropriation.--All money deposited into the fund and
21 interest and other earnings on the money in the fund are
22 appropriated to the agency on a continuing basis to award grants
23 under the program.
24 (b) End of fiscal year.--Any money remaining in the fund at
25 the end of each fiscal year, including interest and other
26 earnings, shall not revert to the General Fund but shall remain
27 in the fund.
28 § 75B23. Fund sources.
29 The agency may solicit and accept funding for the program,
30 including money appropriated by the General Assembly, Federal
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1 money, grants, donations, gifts and other payments from any
2 source, which shall be deposited into the fund.
5 Sec.
6 75B31. Educational materials.
7 75B32. Posting of information.
8 75B33. Reports.
9 75B34. Guidelines, rules and regulations.
10 § 75B31. Educational materials.
11 The agency shall ensure the development of educational
12 materials about best practices regarding mental health care and
13 evidence-based tools.
14 § 75B32. Posting of information.
15 The agency shall post the following on its publicly
16 accessible Internet website:
17 (1) Information regarding the availability of grants
18 under the program.
19 (2) The application form under section 75B13 (relating
20 to application form).
21 (3) Recipients of grants under the program.
22 (4) The educational materials described under section
23 75B31 (relating to educational materials).
24 § 75B33. Reports.
25 (a) Annual reports required.--No later than the first
26 September 1 that is at least one year after the effective date
27 of this subsection, and each September 1 thereafter, the agency
28 shall issue an annual report detailing the operation of the
29 program and fund during the preceding year.
30 (b) Contents.--Each annual report under this section must
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1 include the following:
2 (1) The number of first responder organizations that
3 sought a grant under the program, including the total amount
4 of the grants sought under the program.
5 (2) The number of first responder organizations that
6 received a grant under the program, including the amount of
7 the grant that each first responder organization received
8 under the program.
9 (3) The number of first responder organizations that
10 were denied, in whole or in part, a grant under the program,
11 including the reasons for the full or partial denial.
12 (4) The money remaining in the fund.
13 (5) Any other information deemed necessary by the
14 agency.
15 (c) Transmittal.--Each annual report under this section
16 shall be transmitted to the following:
17 (1) The Governor.
18 (2) The chairperson and minority chairperson of the
19 Appropriations Committee of the Senate.
20 (3) The chairperson and minority chairperson of the
21 Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives.
22 (d) Posting.--The agency shall post each annual report under
23 this section on the publicly accessible Internet website of the
24 agency.
25 § 75B34. Guidelines, rules and regulations.
26 The agency shall adopt or promulgate any guideline, rule or
27 regulation necessary to implement and administer the provisions
28 of this chapter.
29 Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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