Individuals experiencing homelessness face numerous challenges in their day-to-day lives. Often, the greatest obstacle they face to getting a job or applying for public assistance is the inability to provide proof of identity. When someone experiencing homelessness came to my district office and we were unable to help secure a duplicate identification card, I was moved to introduce legislation to reduce the financial impediments for those experiencing homelessness to secure state issued identification cards. 
Currently, Pennsylvania law provides a fee exemption for an initial application for, or renewal of, a state issued identification card. My legislation would expand those exemptions to cover the cost of one duplicate card during the term of the identification card. 
Many who experience homelessness often lack critical identification. They should not be penalized by additional fees and obstacles to securing an identification card within the renewal timeframe. Making sure the residents of our state have the tools they need to provide for themselves, and their families should be a top priority. 
For this reason, I ask that you please join me in eliminating barriers to acquiring necessary identification cards for people experiencing homelessness. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.